You may be wondering what brought me back. There are quite a few reasons actually, but the biggest is that I'm happy in my work. I am. I made the best of my last position but I wasn't happy and I think that came across in my writing.
This new position may be the best I've ever had. I am so pleased with every aspect. There is so much good, so much pleasantness and infinite potential. Potential that's what always gets me high. Ahhh potential.
My newest bit of potential is food. Making babyfood. We're entering a whole new phase. I'm researching recipes and nutrition like it's the first time again. It always feels like the first time because each family is special. Each is unique and each has it own set of potential.
Right now I'm reading two books and making charts. When I have something substantial, I'll share. For now it's just the titles, Easy Gourmet Baby Food and Blender Baby Food. Remember I've just started and may not love these books, but so far so good.
Both start at six months - I love that, no need to rush things. Children will be eating for the rest of their lives! What I like about Easy Gourmet Baby Food is it actually has some new recipe ideas. Examples;
- Grilled chicken and Avocado
- Cauliflower and Chickpea Chowder
- Honeydew, Blueberry and Mint Puree
- Nectarine and Carrot Puree
I haven't tried any, but these are refreshing ideas! Each recipe also has a nutrition table, calories, protein, fat, sat fat, carbs, fiber, sodium, calcium, iron and vitamin c are all listed. I think the only thing I'd add is vitamin d content as that is a concern these days.
The other book, Blender Baby Food, is from Canada and I thought it would also have some new ideas. so far I see it's pretty similar to US books with fear and worry but I do like the charts. Examples of charts;
- what foods when
- how much fiber [calcium, vit c, iron, fat] at what age
And each recipe has nutrient info; calories, carbs, fiber, fat, protein and iron.
So far we're only drinking formula and breastmilk but as we move forward I'll keep you posted and share the bits that I find helpful.