Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Stepping out with my baby . . .

Oh My Goodness! Oh My Goodness! Oh My Goodness!

This not blogging thing is just happening, it's completely unplanned, but I've got news that just HAD to be blogged this evening. (part of the trouble is I only blog at work and not during my free times in the evening)

Tabitha took her first steps!!!!!

Tabitha took her 1ST STEPS!!!

This evening, after a very full day, a long afternoon nap and some lone playtime with her brother, I invited Tabitha to walk between Norah and me. It was AWESOME! She only took three steps, right. left. right. at once, total, but she did it. I was thrilled.

Of course, I was SO thrilled that she began to prefer only me and stopped walking to Norah or even Sara once she joined us. I'd put her in front of the other person but she only wanted to walk to me. It was kinda nice to be the favorite for a minute as I make, enforce and get the most flack for setting limits and following through.

It was beautiful. Truly thrilling and wonderful. Both Tomatoes are thirteen months this week. Could you believe that twenty-five weekers could be SO average?!

Obviously they aren't average in any way. It is extraordinary that they can compete with their full term peers and keep up with the norms. I'm really very proud and impressed with them. EI has even said they no longer need services and when their evaluation comes up, a year from beginning services, they will no longer qualify!