Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday with two, two and two!

Norah and I spent Saturday morning with three two year olds, it was AWESOME!! Madison and Addison arrived first. Having seen them last at their birthday party in September (!) they looked completely different. Their faces are such big kid faces. They are still teeny, tiny little tots, I don't use that word lightly, tiny-tots, with more individuality than I could have imagined. Each has their identity and plays into it as much as possible. It was cute, frustrating and at times just plain surprising. While Addison had no trouble bidding Clover and Stephen farewell Madison was a bit more hesitant and clingy. Once they were gone she was perfectly fine with Norah but seemed aloof and downright annoyed with me. Norah suggested that Madison trouble might be frustration with me for leaving her. Quite likely because the girl undoubtedly knew who I was and after a bit was all about me. Which worked well for walking to the pizza parlor as Addison has always had a bit of a crush on Norah and this day was no different. Norah had actually been Cameron's nanny for his first two years, so no question who's hand he wanted to hold, those weekly get-togethers of ours pale in comparison to his love for Norah!

Cameron's mom, Vanessa, is always running late. By the time he was dropped of we only had time to walk over to the pizza parlor before our little children would turn into pumpkins because of naptime.

As luck would have it, the rain held off for our three block walk. All three kiddos were agreeable and chatty. We had a lovely, silly, relaxed and fun lunch. It was a perfect rainy-Spring-weekend-morning. Our walk back was a wet one, rain can only hold off so long, but none of us minded. Clover took Madison and Addison home for their naps and we took Cameron back to our house. He napped in our bed while we dozed on the sofa.

Later I shared photos with Clover, hmm, forgot Vanessa, I'll have to get on that, and received this email from her;
they seemed to have a very good time. they told me, "i had a good time." and "i drank brown milk." and "i ate pizza and salad." and "i just ate pizza." and "i play with letters." and "we don't put it in our mouth." next time hopefully the weather is much nicer!!
Normally we don't give them chocolate milk i.e. "brown milk" but Norah thought they could have a taste for fun. Of course Madison refused to try it, she was appalled that we'd do something so terrible to her milk. Cameron has already had it because Vanessa thinks chocolate is one of the basic food groups, he loves it and kept trying to drink everybody else's! Although, Madison not wanting to try it really bothered him and he wasn't sure he wanted it after she refused it. Of course, being two, he got over that pretty quickly! Addison will eat anything once so he tried it and wished there was more. Of course they ate salad, pizza and regular milk before this brown milk even entered the scene. What a great day! I'm looking forward to seeing them all again soon. Such little cutiepies!

Friday, March 7, 2008

These Growing Tomatoes

Coming around on three weeks I think we may have finally established a regular nap routine. Maybe.

Both tomatoes had established habits of napping 45 minutes and then shouting to the world that they were all set. Knowing them, and babies, as I do, I was pretty sure they were mistaken. Of course getting Roger and Sara on the same page took a bit of discussion.

Working with parents, children and babies leads to theories, ideas and insights that aren't as obvious when your doing things with your first or second child. Maybe if you are Michelle Duggar, mom of seventeen children, you can ay that you have your own theories, ideas and insights that are proven. And I'd be extremely interested in getting any tips, ideas or suggestions. I'm not averse to learning, or trying new things, when there's a chance they come from a tried and tested source.

Back to the napping topic. With a little compromising Roger, Sara and I found a balance between what I thought was best and what they thought they'd be able to do, and agree with. Every morning they go down at the same time and get up at the same time. We have regular meal times, three solid meals per day now!, and an afternoon nap that begins and ends at the same time each day. If they are tired or their naps have been choppy or short they have an optional third nap which, despite what time they fall asleep, must be done with by 5:15 pm. Then we have dinner and as we finish Roger and Sara return from work.

It's taken awhile for everyone to get used to. In the last two days both Jackson and Tabitha have slept more than forty-five minutes during both nap opportunities. It feels good to think we might be on a good road. Of course, everything could change tomorrow, but with two great days under our belt I thought I could share where we are and enjoy being here, if only for today.

Other news . . .

Jackson had his follow up with the urologist. The hole that his pee comes from is still smaller than the doctor would like to see. We should put vasel!ne on it a few times each day and remember to pull his skin back regularly. Luckily Jackson doesn't mind either thing at all.

Tabitha seems to have developed a cold. Her nose is runny and drippy. So far only clear snot, nothing green and for that we are grateful. I've heard of the flu going around as well as some stronger stuff. Of course we want to keep Jackson and Tabitha as far from these germs as we can, but were they to contract something more severe I think they'd come out of it pretty well.

I know this is hard for other preemie moms to hear, but these babies are doing well. I think they are the exception to the rule. Sara jokes daily that Tabitha has forgotten she was a preemie. And yes, Sara says "was a preemie". Tabitha is in the 50th percentile for her a.c.t.u.a.l a.g.e ! She was born at twenty-five weeks gestation, that's unheard of! She's big, she's beefy and she's jolly. Our Tabitha is one amazing baby. Jackson is smaller but still within the realm of normal. His weight gain is slower, although he's been gaining at the same rate these last two months, and was slower because of his reflux. Obviously if you can't keep it in you can't get as many nutrients, calories and fat as someone who does keep it in. He'd also eat smaller amounts because of his reflux. Being smaller and more social this smaller volume doubled itself when Roger and sara were involved. A pattern of not eating became their norm. Luckily, as he has grown, Jackson has realized that he doesn't mind eating and will get just as much love and affection whether he eats or not. He still eats less for his parents but only mildly so and keeps a pretty consistent daily intake amount.

Life is good here and I'm looking forward to the change of seasons, upcoming holidays and life with these growing tomatoes.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Physical Therapy and us.

We've been working on our physical therapy. My goal is three times per day - per baby. I did this three days out of five last week. This week I'm having a good day if we can get in once per day - per baby. But, as luck would have it, all of our work last week was good. Tabitha can now raise herself into the all fours position, before this wasn't possible. She could get onto elbows and knees but not support her weight on her hands. Not only can she support herself up there - but she can put herself into that position!

Jackson can hold himself in the transitional position once you get him into it.

Both tomatoes can rock back and forth when on their hands and knees.

Jackson regularly moves himself backwards, kind of a reverse commando-crawl, and has explored quite a bit of the house.

Most exciting, as far as development goes, we've passed our nine month milestone!!! Yes it's true - the Tomatoes are nine months old!!! Soon we'll have our last RSV shots, two each!, and be ready for a brand new phase, I just can't wait!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008


Things are progressing along today. Headed out earlier, enjoyed this closer-to-Spring weather. I can't wait until it's actually Spring and the days move past rain to warmer and sunny. Jackets or sweaters and maybe scull caps, how cute will we be?! Today I exposed their hands and shoes for little bit. Not much though as it was pretty chilly. We even wore skull caps under our snowsuits, it was a real treat!

After today I'm hoping to mix up the blogging. Maybe aim for twice each week instead of 5/wk. Then I won't have to just drop off once it gets warmer out. Possibly Tuesdays/Thursdays as I don't do laundry those days and should have a little more flexibility.