Said Family Dinner did not occur last night. Roger and sara did push bedtime to 7:45 pm. Crazy. Both babies, extremely overtired from lack of afternoon nap and late bedtime, woke at an earlier than usual 6:45 am. Of course there's only so much a little tomato can take and Jackson compensated with a longer than usual two hour nap this morning. Because he can't let me think he actually enjoys sleeping he's upstairs boycotting his afternoon nap as I type. Tabitha, exhausted because her morning nap ended an hour before Jackson's did, is sound asleep after a short period of crib play.
Roger and sara have starting brushing their teeth. Conveniently this coincides with Jackson's third tooth popping through up top (third total, first on top). We've begun the great journey to bottle weaning. So far we've been pretty unsuccessful. Neither tomato finds the sippy spout as pleasing as the nipple. Wait a bit longer you say. I hear you, but, getting used to the sippy spout isn't our only issue, just offering them the nipple doesn't make feeding any easier. We are transitioning folks and it's not pretty.
Actually I'm pretty hung up on this family dinner thing. They skipped it last night because the tomatoes were hungry. And what does that mean? It is Roger and Sara saying that preparing their food and the tomatoes food and sitting down together was too hard so they didn't even try. Forget all of Roger's tirades about doing what's best for the babies even when it's inconvenient for them, it isn't true. What they did last night was about them. It made things easier for them so they skipped it. but here's the deal - IT WILL ONLY GET HARDER. Not only will this set up expectations for Jackson and Tabitha, it will set up habits for Roger and Sara, breaking those habits and changing those expectations will be infinitely harder than creating the situation and expectations you are going for from the beginning. Start as you mean to go on.