This is our current schedule;
7:15am 6 oz formula
8:45am breakfast [solids + cup, followed by 4-6 oz formula]
9:30-10:30am nap #1
12:30pm 6 oz formula + lunch [solids, offer extra formula post solids]
1-3:30pm nap #2 [let her sleep as long as she wants, just not past 5:30pm]
4:15-30pm 6 oz milk [w/sippy spout]+ snack [keep it light, or just milk]
7:15-7:30pm 8 oz formula
8-8:30pm bedtime
32 oz milk offered per day
3.5 hrs nap + 10-10.5 hrs overnite = 14 hrs sleep offered daily
Ivy doesn't always love the cup. We try to offer it but she isn't very efficient at drinking from the sippy spout. Our current compromise is to use the cup with a bottle nipple. We still work on using the sippy spout but flexibility is important. Another side of flexibility is our ever evolving schedule. We have been using this current schedule since the second week of March. As Ivy moves closer to one year old I'm sure it will change. Right now it works.
Every day we have two open periods for activities [10:45-12:15 & 4ish - 6:15], this gives us ten each week. We generally grocery shop once and misc shop one time. We take two classes, a peer aged class and a music class. The other times are all open for whatever activities we choose. The library is generally in there and getting outside is always a priority. We do take time to stay home and relax or schedule playdates.
We make a point to eat breakfast at home each morning and an effort to eat lunch at home. We may have the bottle portion of lunch out once in every two week period. We're always at home, in the crib for naps and bedtime. Our afternoon bottle, around 4pm, is considered a snack and we eat it outside of the house more often than inside. And we take a bath four days out of five just before mommy and daddy get home.
Personally I believe Ivy could use a little more sleep. The ten hours overnight aren't quite enough and often she wakes around 6am giving her only 9hrs overnight. But this schedule works for she and her parents so it is what we do. She's growing and eating and progressing so there's no real reason it should change. The extra sleep thing is just my intuition. She's always growing and gaining more stamina so unless we have an issue we'll continue like this.