Cameron's mom, Vanessa, is always running late. By the time he was dropped of we only had time to walk over to the pizza parlor before our little children would turn into pumpkins because of naptime.
As luck would have it, the rain held off for our three block walk. All three kiddos were agreeable and chatty. We had a lovely, silly, relaxed and fun lunch. It was a perfect rainy-Spring-weekend-morning. Our walk back was a wet one, rain can only hold off so long, but none of us minded. Clover took Madison and Addison home for their naps and we took Cameron back to our house. He napped in our bed while we dozed on the sofa.
Later I shared photos with Clover, hmm, forgot Vanessa, I'll have to get on that, and received this email from her;
they seemed to have a very good time. they told me, "i had a good time." and "i drank brown milk." and "i ate pizza and salad." and "i just ate pizza." and "i play with letters." and "we don't put it in our mouth." next time hopefully the weather is much nicer!!
Normally we don't give them chocolate milk i.e. "brown milk" but Norah thought they could have a taste for fun. Of course Madison refused to try it, she was appalled that we'd do something so terrible to her milk. Cameron has already had it because Vanessa thinks chocolate is one of the basic food groups, he loves it and kept trying to drink everybody else's! Although, Madison not wanting to try it really bothered him and he wasn't sure he wanted it after she refused it. Of course, being two, he got over that pretty quickly! Addison will eat anything once so he tried it and wished there was more. Of course they ate salad, pizza and regular milk before this brown milk even entered the scene. What a great day! I'm looking forward to seeing them all again soon. Such little cutiepies!