After 226 posts I'm making this blog private as I think my stay here will be short. Currently things aren't going very well here and if I'm not here there is no reason to continue this blog.
Thank you for your readership. All of your comments and continued visits have given a confidence in my writing completely new to me. Thank You.
Photo Information:
On days when there are photos to go with the blog, there will be a camera image to click to go to the corresponding photos.
In order to view photos of all these little munchkins, you must be invited to the photo blog. Due to excessive amounts of traffic, I am trying out a new system. When you find yourself interested in my photo blog, please contact me and let me know! I'll want to know more about you and get to know you a bit, so there will be a waiting period of 6-8 weeks before you will be invited into the photo page. During this time we can get to know each other better, you can read my blog, I can read yours, etc...
I hope that everyone understands the need for this degree of patience!